Trannies are life's ultimate comedians.

Think about it for a second...
She-males aren't women. They never will be.
No matter how hard they jack themselves up on estrogen or how many hack jobs their genitals endure, womanhood will forever be elusive simply because they will never naturally bleed brown clots or fart out rugrats.
They are caricatures, being able to achieve femininity but never truly being female.
Trannies are able to take this bit so far past devotion they turn comedy into science while we wither, our rotting thoughts lost in the future sea of the "3rd sex".
Well, I say BRAVO Dr. Ladyboy. I commend you!
And as far as furries go, what the shit is even remotely sexually arousing about a technocoloured rabbit anyway?

It’s simply a way for weirdos to have sex with caricatures of animals without the stigma of being bestiality enthusiasts.
That way, they can fuck a giant pink kangaroo and still be able to keep their pets when the SPCA comes calling.
Am I over-simplifying?
FKD - Eric Copeland
Monkey & Bear - Joanna Newsom
funny cause it's true.
and not me.
i feel your a little bit misunderstanding of furriers. my boyfriend is one and really all they like is normal people but they prefeer features almost animal! or for the sexual partner to dress as an animal with maybe just ears! they dont wanna fuck an animal at all
I was actually pretty offended by this post. I won't go over all the specifics of why, and I'm sure you know already what they are, but mainly it was the tone with which you treated the subjects. Condescending and cold. I hope it made you feel better about yourself, at least.
How did THIS get to the top of the Google results for Furries?
You, sir, are completely full of shit.
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